Volume 04, Issue 01, 2023

Paper id:01000142IJESIR Open Access

Title: Promotion of Women: A Feminist Reinterpretation of Shahraz’s Perchanvah

Year: 2023 Abstract Full Paper [Download] Page:4-11

Abstract: In this research, I tried to find out the theoretical perspective of feminism which is the promotion of women in Shahraz’s selected short story with the help of De Beauvoir’s framework and to explore gender representation within the context of Pakistani social structure. The basic focus is an effort to analyze whether the story’s protagonists resist the existing social order and prove their existence as educated, potent, independent, and competent persons. Therefore, this paper basically focuses on the female character’s depiction that how they take bold steps in androcentric structural norms which are strongly rooted in the social setup and redefine their positions as educated, upgraded, and enlightened ones. The material of the research for this paper is taken from short fiction and the selected story is not only helpful to explore the reflection of life but also explores the issues which have social and cultural relevance in which women’s promotion is the most important. In light of the conclusion drawn it is safe to assert that Shahraz’s selected short story Perchanvah is feminist and her protagonists are not stereotypical traditional women.

Keywords: Women’s Promotion, Gender Representation, Androcentric, Structural Norms, Cultural Relevance, Stereotype.

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Paper id:01000143IJESIR Open Access

Title: Phytochemical and Biochemical Screening of Lantana Camara L. A Major Invasive Species

Year: 2023 Abstract Full Paper [Download] Page:12-23

Abstract: Plants and plant extracts have an important role in modern medicine as their chemical and medicinal constituents are found in natural form. In the present study, the phytochemical screening of the powder of the leaf of Lantana Camara L. methanolic extract was performed. The results of qualitative phytochemical screening of methanolic extract of Lantana camara root, stem and leaves revealed that the presence of various bioactive secondary metabolites constituents in alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, tannins, saponins, carbohydrates, amino acids, steroids, terpenoids and protein were respectively. The quantitative phytochemical analysis of methanolic extract of Lantana camara root, stem and leaves showed the maximum concentration of carbohydrates, followed by phenols, starch, proteins, total chlorophyll and amino acids. Hence, Lantana camara extracts are used for discovering and analysis of secondary metabolites which are precisely helpful for the manufacturing of new drugs for the treatment of various diseases.

Keywords: Lantana camara L., phytochemical and biochemical screening, Root, stem and leaves.

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Paper id:01000148IJESIR Open Access

Title: Synthesis, Characterization, Antimicrobial and Toxicological Study of Mn(II), Ni(II) Complexes of Tridentate Ligand Derived from Ethylenediamine, Chlorobenzaldehyde and Aminobenzophenone

Year: 2023 Abstract Full Paper [Download] Page:34-46

Abstract: Two novel metal complexes of tridentate ligand derived from ethylenediamine, chlorobenzaldehyde and aminobenzophenone were synthesized and characterized by FT-IR, NMR, UV-Vis, Mass spectroscopy, Magnetic susceptibility measurement and Elemental analysis. The data obtained from the study shows that both N atoms of the Schiff base ligand and NH2 group coordinated with metal(II) ions, indicating tridentate nature of the ligand; tetrahedral geometry proposed for the complexes. The biological activity of the metal complexes and the ligand compared with the standard drugs (Amoxicillin and Nystatin) were screened against isolates of two g(+), Staphylococcus aureaus, Bascillus subtilis, three g(-) Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Shigella flexneri bacteria and two fungi strains: Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus. The obtained results indicated that both the metal complexes and the ligand showed good to moderate activity against the tested microorganism. Toxicology tests against the liver of the Wister rats showed that the prepared compounds are not toxic compared with the standard drug (Amoxicillin). The levels of AST and ALT in the tested livers of the rats are within the permissible range.

Keywords: Metal complexes, ligand, antimicrobial, ethylenediamine, chlorobenzaldehyde

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